As the installation temperature of Suwon 2IN1 air conditioner drops below freezing, it snows, and indoor heating products are operating more and more days.Recently, many products can be used for both air conditioning and air conditioning, and products can be used effectively even in winter.The air conditioner angel, who has more than 20 years of experience in installing air conditioners, has been to Suwon 2IN1 air conditioner installation site.Then, I will show you the contents of the installation site of Samsung inverter air conditioner 2IN1 air conditioner transfer in Suwon Kangseon-gu apartment.
The air conditioner is installed by a visiting driver according to the schedule, and the product will be installed where the customer wants it.After checking the condition of the product for Suwon 2IN1 air conditioner installation, find the piping installed inside and wrap it with heat insulation.

Apartments are in the form of reclamation piping, and they begin to look for piping installed on the wall and prepare to connect the length of the piping to the product.
Each house has a different piping installation method, and the product is installed according to the shape of the internal space and the condition of the piping installation.

Move the stand product to the wall to connect to the piping and clean up the piping in the front lid.The piping may freeze at low temperatures in winter, so wrap it around with heat insulation and secure it with white tape to prevent it from loosening.
Place a recreational resort on the floor and cleanly organize the tools necessary for installing the product.
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Wall-mounted products are installed in a place with a small space area, so they are firmly fixed to the wall so that they do not fall on the floor.
The wall surface is also in the form of landfill piping, so it is difficult to install, so we extend the existing piping and connect it to the product.Extend the length of the piping needed to install the wall-mounted product to the outside and shape it to the desired shape.The Suwon 2IN1 air conditioner installation specialist secures the retaining bracket to the wall and checks the horizontal left and right conditions.At this time, if the fixing bracket is tilted, the product will be tilted and installed, so be sure to check with a horizontal ruler.Wall-mounted products have the advantage of not taking up a lot of space, so they are installed on the wall of a small space where children study.A clean wall-mounted product is installed on the wall, plug in the power cord, and check the operation of the product.After moving from place to place for outdoor installation, find the landfill piping installed on the wall and let the piping out.On the day of installing the product indoors, outdoor equipment is installed at the same time, and piping is quickly started to be installed on the wall.Because it is in the form of landfill piping, the piping installation of outdoor equipment is done quickly and safely.The piping wires installed on the wall are carefully organized with tape so that they do not become loose by wrapping them with heat insulating material.We installed heavy outdoor equipment around the window and organized the landfill piping on the wall to be one with the product.The Suwon 2IN1 air conditioner installation expert, who has installed various products, quickly completed the installation of the product you requested.The piping of the outdoor unit is also wrapped with heat insulating material, and all the piping wires are wound with white tape to organize them.And I quickly connected a pink box of gas charging equipment to charge the outdoor unit.The outdoor unit and wall piping wires are connected, and the surroundings are all neatly organized.For wall-mounted products installed indoors, press the power button to set the desired temperature, and then check the operation status of the product.We are commissioning the product with you and we will provide you with more information on how to use the product.Samsung LG Carrier Air Conditioner Angel, which carefully installs various products such as air conditioner installation, finished installing Suwon 2IN1 air conditioner quickly.It is a store specializing in installing air conditioners and air conditioners, and it even sells used products and previous installations.If you need to install indoor heating products in cold winter, please arrange the schedule with a professional company with a specialized installation certificate.Air conditioner installation angel 36-12 Segon-ro 43rd Street, Suwon-gu, Gyeonggi-doAir conditioner installation angel 36-12 Segon-ro 43rd Street, Suwon-gu, Gyeonggi-do