세바시 208회 영어로부터의 자유 | 리 켄트 고려대 교수학습개발원 연구교수

2012.10.23. ●● Let’s talk about the challenges you face, myths and misunderstandings, motivational issues, and steps to find freedom. Challenges영어에 대한 어려움

noted, Channel (SECCI) day : 가 eff : the mental efficiency 「 뇌 효 성 ‘ 율 」 Google the Accept-Language wheel when you do something in their native languages, your brain is automatically without effort almost understand. (≥ (Dollars, satisfying ) but foreign languages is not automatic in the second language.grammar, vocabulary and all other in order to understand brain will you sure he will not to work hard. Therefore, we may be mentally tired, if something in English.That does not understand you very well.This spiritual in order to increase the efficiency of your brain more comfortable, requires a lot of time and effort in order to get used to English. (외 국 어 ) the Python IDE 5.5/5.5.1 to NetBeans 근 거 없 는 믿 음 들

appropriate incentive, even without a wise practice, even if you are the best if he has a mind to be able to learn English.In order to learn a word, we need to meet reading and listening to someone in the context of actual time.자 연 스 럽 고 의 미 있 는 일 긱 와 문 맥 속 에 서 반 복 해 서 말 들 을 접 해 야 진 짜 알 게 됩 니 다. to help them to learn them, the words are actually of their usage, as well as provides context for storing them. But what did you forget about it.그 말 들 이 어 떻 게 쓰 이 는 지 그 말 의 맥 락 을 이 해 해 야 잘 기 억 할 수 있 습 니 다 . 그 렇 지 않 으 면 그 말 의 대 부 분 을 잊 어 버 리 게 될 것 입 니 다 of grammatical rules by heart, not the actual context you have to learn grammar. are used to how this is how 규 칙 을 암 기 하 기 보 다 는 의 미 의 맥 락 에 서 패 턴 을 배 워 야 합 니 다 . 그 래 야 말 들 이 어 떻 게 사 용 되 는 지 를 알 수 있 습 니 다. 기 motivation Automotive

If I were more motivated, I might think I could learn English.It’s not necessarily the degree of motivation, it’s the type of motivation.지만한 중요건 더나강 동한가 있냐가 아 떤라 動機유 의 어를 형 .동고 느입니 있냐 には다 さまざま な あり 、 種類 が 実際가 には あり. There are many kinds of motives, some are actually harmful and self-destructive, and they can interfere with learning English. Motivation falls into two psychological categories. There are internal and external motives.

If I were more motivated, I might think I could learn English.It’s not necessarily the degree of motivation, it’s the type of motivation.지만한 중요건 더나강 동한가 있냐가 아 떤라 動機유 의 어를 형 .동고 느입니 있냐 には다 さまざま な あり 、 種類 が 実際가 には あり. There are many kinds of motives, some are actually harmful and self-destructive, and they can interfere with learning English. Motivation falls into two psychological categories. There are internal and external motives.

가. & # 9675 ; 」 「 from the outside motivation of gingers are added, because I really need external motivation and means.あなたはそれを受け入れたのかもしれませんが、それはあなたの心が本当にそれに夢中ではないことです。motivation is, a pressure and will give a sense of duty. 良い成績を取るためのプレッシャーテストの良い点数を取るためのプレッシャー외재적 동기란 영어를 배워야 한다는 의무감이나 압박감 등을 포함합니다.あるいは、いわゆる「完璧主義」というものを自分自身に押し付ける非現実的な期待(주의or완)。완벽주의’적 성향 때문에 스스로를 비현실적인 기대로 몰아넣기도 합니다.このような動機付けは、実際に英語の実用的な英語を学ぶのではなく、人々が自分をどう思っているか、あるいは自分自身をどう思っているかに焦点を合わせるようにします。This is a custom mechanical bad learning and memorization free, not in English and English language is no longer lead to only to learn of the fact that it is.

the first step in seeking freedom

the first step in seeking freedom

find a goal to identify and better learning method and strategies of you will speak about to have confidence in myself.xx denotes illegible words 「 Why did you studying English learning mokuhyou? What is your motive? perfect goal is to it as attitudes, please. English is not simply a tool, and the temple accepted as a tool. I hope to learn how to them as a tool for English for me, helpful and may be, but not be all the interesting and fun then, it may be described as a not.영 어 는 실 제 적 인 목 적 을 위 해 배 워 야 합 니 다 .더 나 은 학 습 전 략 찾 기 (2) the discovery of better learning strategies is not a simple way is to spend thousands of hours to that. It is the bad news. The good news have a lot of that it can be alone. not necessarily 100 do not need to take lessons.One of the best you can, to read a lot.and interesting for you to do, or at least helpful and useful reading In this regard, it is important to find materials. If you don’t do so, really don’t can’t get motivated. A. intensively in Reading, reading class * * * * * * what you’re doing it, but it’s the same thing don’t have class, except that it can do for you. Just understand it, and read intensively.그 것 은 학 원 안 다 니 고 도 혼 자 할 수 있 는 방 법 인 데 이 해 가 될 때 까 지 집 중 해 서 읽 는 것 입 니 다. for example, and read the sentence is one more time, honron, ‘ Read it, unless the context otherwise requires the meaning of a new word from the estimated other direction.처 음 읽 을 때 는 주 제 만 이 해 했 다 면 두 번 째 읽 을 때 는 모 르 는 단 어 의 뜻 을 맥 락 을 통 해 추 론 해 보 는 것 입 니 다. As for your words I didn’t know, I’ll look into them. Later, Yoshisuke’s another’d like you to read a few times and knew exactly what.. More importantly, to read a lot of books. It was, to read a lot of material means, not necessarily at all, who are trying to understand. This is from a context word is the best way to learn, to improve efficiency in the spirit. academic to popular book learning materials, as well as a popular online news cartoons popular novel material you’d like to see you looking for, please. I read a lot like, please. Similarly, the media of material on the Internet and YouTube for free audio and video material is used much.. ask if intensive, please.Now and then follow up on the video to speak for himself by repeating the training after speaker you can imitate.Do not know what happened — too much vocabulary. convey, however, only learning, for use in catching or words having possibility to encounter.어 휘 력 을 위 해 지 나 치 게 많 이 암 기 하 는 것 은 좋 지 않 습 니 다 . 여 러 분 이 직 접 사 용 할 것 같 거 나 읽 고 듣 게 될 것 같 은 어 휘 들 을 공 부 하 세 요 D. how it will be in English.how it will be in English.Sometimes when I was a language to learn mental for increasing efficiency you have used the method for informing in your brain you.자 신 감 찾 기 (3) ourselves and find confidence can be found teaching materials that likes to study with a friend.Tell me the English children. teaching can be learned from. if you don’t have children and Natsu no Jin (Summer, you can be found.to teach because, you can learn from your confidence we can grow from the teaching.It sounds like your English is English is fine.Language is for the communication and social interaction of people forget about it.the closingEnglish doesn’t have to be a bondage to you.It’s not a burden or a prison. It’s not a bondage, it’s a language, it’s a tool you can learn to use for your own purposes, so I hope you find your motivation again.I hope that you will learn to enjoy English and that you will be able to speak English well.And I hope that you will be free from English.Thank you.English doesn’t have to be a bondage to you.It’s not a burden or a prison. It’s not a bondage, it’s a language, it’s a tool you can learn to use for your own purposes, so I hope you find your motivation again.I hope that you will learn to enjoy English and that you will be able to speak English well.And I hope that you will be free from English.Thank you.

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