[Bunt membership]
Hello~^^ (I’m the manager of Yes membership.I will share the annual membership fee, current property price, and market price of the bunt membership card in Dogok-dong in detail.I think it’s a very good time to buy it because the market price has dropped a little recently.The price of the bunt membership ticket varies little by little depending on the sale price.The sale price is not very important because it has been extended for a long time, but the transaction amount is moving in a different direction.It’s true that demand has increased especially after the remodeling of the bunt membership card!!

ロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.5분 이상 소요될 수 있으며, 영상의 길이에 따라 소요 시간은 달라집니다. 반트회원권 정확한 시세 알려드립니다. 재생 수2 0 topleft rightbottom마우스를 드래그 하세요360° Video도움말 MULTI TRACK멀티트랙의 트랙별 영상은 우측 관련영상에서 볼 수 있습니다.선거광고 안내 음소거00:00 | 00:35 화질 선택 옵션자동 자동 144p 270p 480p 화질 전체화면 00:00 00:07 00:14 00:21 00:28 광고정보 더보기초 후 SKIP초 후 재생SKIP광고 후 계속됩니다.SNS●●●●●●バンドTwitterFacebookブログカフェURL 주소복사HTML 소스544 x 306740 x 416936 x 5261280 x 720복사Flash 미지원으로 Object 코드 퍼가기 기능은 더 이상 지원되지않습니다.도움말 플레이어 URL 복사 레이어 닫기반트회원권 정확한 시세 알려드립니다.
In addition to bunt membership, we also sell/acquire national fitness membership.If you contact me as a fitness membership expert, I will kindly inform you of the details of the benefits and the exact transaction price.Please take care of your health in the hot summer.Thank you.

Fitness and ancillary facilities that can be used with a bunt membership card.Bunt is a high-quality fitness membership with approximately 3,000 members operating at Shilla Hotel.Since the renewal, the transaction has always been active with membership with high satisfaction.
There are 30 million won for bunt membership, 48 million won for sale, and 48 million won for female membership.Men’s membership cards are priced at 47 million won and married couples’ membership cards are priced at 81 million won.The price for sale may vary from time to time, so if you want to confirm the exact transaction price, please let me know and I will inform you immediately.When you purchase a bunt membership card, you have to submit a medical examination document and go through the preliminary examination for about a week.Please refer to the above for the 2022 annual membership fee!^^